Gayatri Mantra (Meaning) | 15 benefits of gayatri mantra
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Gayatri Mantra| Significance
Gayatri Mantra has been chronicled in Rig Veda which was written in Sanskrit some 3500 years ago. However, it is believed that this mantra has been chanted long before it was recorded in the text. For westerners, this mantra was quite a mystery and even most Hindus couldn’t get the head and tail of it. It was a well-guarded secret from those outside the Hindu-Brahmin community.
Gayatri Mantra Meaning
Today it is chanted and sung around the world with reverence and love. It is akin to Lord’s prayer which holds significance and is quite impactful. It is very soothing and divine in nature and the sounds of it; is healing in nature. Its flowing rhythmic pattern indeed makes it a beautiful part of an individual’s daily Spiritual practice.
Gayatri Mantra Benefits
Gayatri Mantra is an earnest and heartfelt prayer to the Supreme being and thus it can be universally applied – the mantra does not see your colour, race, ethnicity, caste, creed, gender or nationality. What really matters is your dedication, authenticity, faith and belief. It sees your intent and your willingness to be moved by the intensity of its power.
Gayatri Mantra given by Vishwamitra
The ancient Hindu scriptures reveal how the sage Vishwamitra was given the Gayatri mantra as a gift for his years of penance and austerities that he performed. This was not only a reward for Vishwamitra but it was a boon for the entire humanity.
Gayatri Mantra Benefits
It is said that the entire mantra spirals through the Universe from the deepest part of the chanters hearts – appealing for the peace and goodwill of all. Gayatri Mantra invokes and inspires wisdom in us. To state it simply the mantra says – “May the divine light of the Supreme Being illuminate our intellect, to lead us along a path of righteousness”.
Benefits of Chanting Gayatri Mantra
The Vedas state, to chant the Gayatri Mantra, purifies the Chanter. To listen to the Gayatri Mantra, purifies the listener. However, there is so much more to this beautiful mantra than just purification – it opens your heart center and expands our horizon. Gayatri Mantra helps us to open for new opportunities.
Power of Gayatri Mantra
Most Hindu see Gayatri as a divine awakening of an individual mind and the individual soul – the awakening of the Atman. There is a union of collective consciousness – a place where we accept the Brahman that we are. The simple power of Gayatri mantra is considered as close to touching God. One popular interpretation of Gayatri Mantra is – ‘Gaya’, meaning vital energies and ‘trâyate or tri’, meaning – one who preserves, protects, gives deliverance, grants liberation.
Gayatri Mantra Chanting
The shorter version of Gayatri Mantra is far more common and practiced largely around the world “Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha Om Tat Savitur Varenayam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat”; which means We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.
Gayatri Mantra Chanting
However, the longer version of Gayatri Mantra is more profound – “OM BHUR, OM BHUVAHA, OM SWAHA, OM MAHAHA, OM JANAHA, OM TAPAHA, OM SATYAM OM TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHEEMAHI DHIYO YONAHA PRACHODAYAT” Per the Vedas there are seven spiritual planes or realms of existence and Gayatri Mantra is written through Spiritual expansion, awareness, and development.
Pronunciation of Gayatri Mantra
It very important to keep in mind to chant the Gayatri Mantra with perfect pronunciation. There should be intensity and deep reverence in your intent of chanting the mantra. When you chant the mantra, you become with the Universe and the sound of the divine soul.
Gayatr Mantra Connection with Meditation
OM is the primeval sound on which the entire system of sound of the Universe emerges from. OM Bhur Bhuva Swaha is essentially invoking the supreme being in our prayers and meditation. It also means we are invoking the earth, the physical world, and our soul.
Gayatri Mantra Meaning
When the entire mantra is put together, in its essence it means - “We meditate on that most adorable, desirable and enchanting luster and brilliance of our Supreme Being, our Source Energy, our Collective Consciousness – who is our creator, inspirer, and source of eternal Joy. May this warm and loving Light inspire and guide our mind and open our hearts.”
Gayatri Mantra Spiritual Benefits
The Gayatri mantra creates a protective shield for the chanter and has many spiritual benefits. It is rightly said that ‘Gayantham thrayate ithi Gayatri’ – that is the Gayatri mantra protects those who recite the mantra properly and with dedication – the dedication not merely of the right pronunciation or that of a number of chants but the dedication of faith, belief, and love.
Gayatri Mantra for Common Men
The ancient Indian saints had dedicated their lives to the sadhna of Gayatri Mantra for a defined acknowledgment and for spiritual refinement of the internal identity and accomplishment of every kind of celestial aspects possible. The chanting of the Gayatri mantra has been an essential part of the lives of both common men and contemporaries of the most ancient sages as well.
Benefits of Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri mantra chanting, in reality, gives extraordinary gifts to the one who recites it with dedication and understanding. Regardless of the fact that the beneficial outcome and astounding fulfillment by the mantra happen through the unpretentious logical procedure at more profound spaces of cognizance...
Benefits of Gayatri Mantra Chanting
1. Improves Concentration and Learning:
2. Removes Toxins from Body:
The vibrations created activate certain points on the face to further oxygenate the skin. The breathing involved provides more oxygen to the blood vessels which travel throughout your skin. This flushes out the toxins and gives a glow to your skin.
3. Improves Breathing:
It is advised to practice Pranayam before chanting to open up the breathing airways. And while chanting, further controlled deep breathing expands your lungs fully to improve breathing and also oxygenate the body.
4. Keeps Your Heart Healthy:
The synchronized breathing while chanting also syncs the pumping of blood to the heart. Thus the blood pressure is kept in check and the heart stays healthy. It is definitely one of the better reasons why you should meditate more.
5. Removes Negativity:
By continuously chanting and focusing on the mantra, you stimulate your brain to be focused. This level of concentration helps with keeping the mind calm and positive.
6. Improves Functioning of Nervous System:
When you start chanting, you put pressure on your tongue, throat, mouth, and lips. The combined pressure creates different vibrations. This, in turn, induces your brain to release neurotransmitters for proper stimulus of these vibrations. The nerves perform better and functions healthily.
7. Helps reduce Asthma Symptoms:
While breathing, a short hold of your breath helps in strengthening your lungs. The asthma symptoms slowly dissipate when you practice chanting regularly.
Click here to see meaning of gayatri mantra
8. Calms the Mind:
When you are concentrated, you see clearly. The clarity lifts all of your tension. The repeating of chants also release many good hormones like serotonin and others. So, you feel happy and calm.
9. Improves Overall Immunity:
Gayatri mantra chanting activates the hypothalamus which is responsible for keeping immunity in the body. The diseases are kept at bay and you feel more healthy and fit.
Click here to see the correct way of chanting of gayatri mantra
10. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:
Along with all the other benefits and the explanation given for each of them, the chanting of this mantra also removes depression, anxiety, and stress. This is so important. With the growing economy, people are becoming more prone to anxiety and chanting is a very natural way to keep your anxiety in check
Some more important mantras with significance
The following is a personal selection of utterances and practices in no particular order. All my knowledge on this topic is assembled from various formal teachings, independent discoveries, and situational observations. I intend to update pronunciations with IPA markup.
- Aum is the "mahamantra". It is the sound of the universe and powers everything else. It goes without saying that it precedes the utterance of any other mantra. Ganesha (a.k.a Vinayaka, Ganapati, ...), said to be the son of Shiva and Parvati, is the embodiment of this sound and any effort of any kind begins with (and is sustained by) speaking it either orally, or if in advanced practice, mentally. When recited orally, an entire breath goes into enunciating all three sounds 'ah', 'ooh' and 'mmm' with the final nasal sound prolonged to reverberate through the entire spine, body and surrounding space/matter. Chanting this sound using it as a "mantra" is like lighting oneself as a candle from the universal flame of dharma that recycles the universe through the phases of origin, sustenance and dissolution. Aum stands for renewal, endurance, entropy, and the repetition of these three in order.
- (Aum) Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This utterance is appropriate for any situation during any time of day or night. It is made up of consonants that most anyone can pronounce and means simply "everything is Krishna, everything is Rama" in good times and in bad. It is a happy-go-lucky phrase for cadence with the flow of the universe. It identifies oneself with two of the best-known avatars of Vishnu in human form who endured all aspects man's life cycle as an example to all.
- "Ganapati japa" or "meditation on Ganesha" lowers the ego to assimilate into cosmic order. It is pronounced Aum Gum Glaum Ganapataye Namah. The first syllable Aum feels like it takes an entire breath to utter, but the lungs are not emptied. Total abdominal flection to "pound out" the second syllable "Gum" empties out around half of the remaining breath. Generally, it takes practice to "save" breath to bellow out the third syllable "Glaum" with even more gusto than the first two, and it may be omitted by beginners. Finally, your favorite epithet of our elephant-headed friend (marked in the possessive case), ending with namah meaning "reverence/love". Ganesha is a comfort (like a blanket or teddy bear), a taskmaster and a reveler all at once.
- Aum Namah Shivaya (or less commonly Aum Shivaya Namah) concentrates on Shiva who is commonly understood to be the final part of a cosmic trinity including Brahma and Vishnu. The feeling of emptiness after the lungs and mind are clear of the last syllable in this utterance is the doorway to Shiva-consciousness: transcending "the end" to "a new beginning". It synchronizes various vital and spiritual pulses to steady the heartbeat, circadian rhythm, "spinal pulse", "soul beat" etc. to work with the cosmic "drumming" of Aum. Notice that "Shiva" is in possessive case. Personally, I struggle at actualizing the potential of this mantra.
- "Guru Mantra" is dedicated to teachers, instructors, guides, and role models. In the absence of an external teacher, your own observation, good judgment and "common sense" is activated for self-instruction filling in the blanks of your own ignorance. The spirit of this mantra is to acknowledge that your knowledge is always incomplete, that you are graced with a capacity to learn and that all of the universe is your guru (focused on the actual person instructing you). The proper pronunciation of this mantra enunciates the letters capitalized in this romanization: (Aum) guruR Brahmaa, guruR Vishnu, guruR daevo MahayshwaraH; guruh saakshaath para Brahmaa thusmayishree guravae namah.
- The sound concentrating on Krishna, kleem is directly connected to the heart, lungs and other major trunk organs. It is similar to meditation on Ganesha, but it expands the self to meet the universal whole rather than subduing it to fit in. Between the two types of meditation expanding and contracting the ego, you will find your personal "fit". This is the selfless quality of Hanuman who grows and shrinks according to any situation. This mantra is pronounced (Aum) klee...m krishnaya namah. As usual, Aum comes first. The vowel in kleem is stretched out as far as the breath can be held still allowing for the 'mmm' to be enunciated as in Aum, followed by your favorite epithet of Krishna (in the possessive case) ending with namah.
Breath is vital and controlling it is essential to mantra chanting - even for silent mental chanting. Inhalation is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe. It is not meant to be eternal in its original state. Breath held and released carries the meaning of the universe being preserved by Vishnu (or yourself/aatma as his agent taking charge of your portion of the task in your immediate reality). The moments at total exhalation peeking out of the material universe at intangible reality is the essence of Shiva. Even if some lifeform were to start all over and discover Aum for the first time, the universe would teach that life everything it needs to know following the same pattern with a beginning, middle, end, and a new beginning.
Breath is vital and controlling it is essential to mantra chanting - even for silent mental chanting. Inhalation is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe. It is not meant to be eternal in its original state. Breath held and released carries the meaning of the universe being preserved by Vishnu (or yourself/aatma as his agent taking charge of your portion of the task in your immediate reality). The moments at total exhalation peeking out of the material universe at intangible reality is the essence of Shiva. Even if some lifeform were to start all over and discover Aum for the first time, the universe would teach that life everything it needs to know following the same pattern with a beginning, middle, end, and a new beginning.
amazing benefits of gayatri mantra
gayatri mantra
gayatri mantra benefits
gayatri mantra meaning
power of gayatri mantra
significance of gayatri mantra
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